





姓名:徐作聖(Joseph Z. Shyu)












1993 -目前:交通大學, 專任教授兼科技產業策略研究中心主任;大連理工大學江海學者 (2015);北京清華大學公共政策學院訪問學者(2015)

兼職:台灣行政院公共工程委員會政府採購法評選委員(2011~);科技管理研究所, 專任副教授兼所長(1997-1999);兼任:證基會約聘講師;天下雜誌專欄作家(1995-1996);台灣科技管理基金會(董事,1999; 菘凱科技董事(2003-2004); 台灣愷柏公司顧問;高科技發展基金會(董事, 2000; 台灣燃料電池基金會(監事,2000~2009;中華環宇經貿發展協會(理事長), 旭福電子股份有限公司(顧問);微邦科技股份有限公司(總執行顧問,1999~2001);台灣經濟研究院(顧問);行政院開發基金財務審議委員會(委員;19972001);國科會整合型計畫主持人(國家創新系統;1998-2000) ; 經濟部中小企業處採購評選會 (委員 : 2012~2015)

1988-1993:美國阿莫可 (Amoco) 石油公司, 專案經理及資深研究員

1984-1988:美國福特汽車公司, 高級研究員。

1982-1984:美國來柏 (Leybold) 真空器材公司, 應用及行銷工程師


  1. IAMOT Top 50 list of researchers in the technology innovation management field, 2009 (獲選國際科管學會 IAMOT 2009年選拔的全球 50大科管學者,依據全球十大科管期刊於 2004~2008年的論文發表數); 2004年國際科技管理學會評鑑交大科管所為全世界排名第6名,個人排名為交大第1

  2. 2007年交大科技管理學術研究之推動評鑑為全世界排名第1

  3. (Technovation.2007.07.)

  4. 科技管理學刊第15卷第4(2010.12.)統計臺灣學者自 2000~2009年於國際科管相關期刊發表文章數最多者 (10)

  5. 2010年度「國科會大專校院獎勵特殊優秀獎」

2015 Lectures and Presentations in China

  1. June, Tsinghua University, 北京清華大學公共管理學院,Beijing, Harvard-Tsinghua Energy Forum

  2. July 2015, , 2015,大連理工大學、科學學及社會科學研究院,科技管理問題研究 (Special Topics in Technology Management), 12 hour Lecture

  3. September 2015, 大連理工大學、工商管理學系,以工業4.0發展產業轉型戰略Restructuring Strategic Leadership amid the Industry 4.0 Transition

  4. September 2015, 大連理工大學、MPA Program,新能源與智慧網政策、科技政策與工業4.0產業戰略Policy Perspectives of  Industry 4.0 & Industrial Leadership

  5. October 2015,北京清華大學公共管理學院,工業 4.0與服務導向客製化經營 Industry 4.0 and Service-Oriented Customization

  6. October 2015,北京清華大學台灣研究院、社會科學學院科學技術與社會研究所,以工業4.0發展產業轉型戰略Restructuring Strategic Leadership amid the Industry 4.0 Transition

  7. October2015, 北京大學哲學系科技哲學教研室,以工業4.0發展產業轉型戰略Restructuring Strategic Leadership amid the Industry 4.0 Transition

  8. November 2015, 武漢大學工商管理學系,以工業4.0發展產業轉型戰略
    Restructuring Strategic Leadership amid the Industry 4.0 Transition

  9. November 2015, 武漢科技大學,工業4.0與產業創新 Industry 4.0 and Industrial Innovation

  10. November 2015, 華中師範大學,工業4.0與產業轉型

Contracted columnist for Commonwealth and Senchi Magazines

Amoco Corporation, Naperville, Il, USA1988-1992

Staff Scientist and Project Manager, Amoco Research Center

  1. Managed analytical support for “Natural Gas Conversion” project

  1. Managed Surface Analytical Laboratory and supervised professional and technical staff

  2. Liaison for Amoco-University collaboration program

  3. Participated in catalyst development for petrochemical processing

Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA1984-1988

Senior Scientist, Scientific Research Laboratories

  1. Catalyst development and testing for emission control of automotive exhaust

  1. Published research results extensively in professional journals

Leybold Vacuum Products, Inc, Export, PA, USA1983-1984

Applications Scientist, Large Analytical Systems Group

  1. Customer demonstration, training, and marketing support of large analytical instruments; managed analytical laboratory

  2. Developed a business plan for a China investment project of high-technology analytical instruments

Business Experience:

  1. Acted as the general manager for Micro-Base Technology Corporation for MEMS product and market developments for opto-electronics industry (1999-2000)

  2. Extensive experience in business consulting, strategic analysis and planning on petrochemical, MEMS, IC, pharmaceuticals, automotive, nano-technology, and personal computer industries

  3. Management of technology and new product/market development, and feasibility analysis on new product development.

  1. Over ten years of work experience in three industries, including sales/marketing supporting staff in ultra-high vacuum equipment manufacturer (Leybold Vacuum Products, Inc.), R&D staff for automotive emission devices for Ford Motor Company (USA), and R&D supporting staff for Amoco Corporation (USA).

  2. Developed a comprehensive SWOT model for Acer, Inc, for assessing its global competitiveness and fitness between its strategic intent and core competencies

  3. Worked as a business consultant for Chinese Petrochemical Development Company (CPDC, Taiwan) for its long-term strategic analysis and planning

  4. Consults for Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, and Industrial Technology and Information Services

  5. Worked with Triquest (USA) to conduct analysis and feasibility studies for international technology transfer and trade

  6. Lecturer of “Strategic Management”  and “Innovation Management”

Technical Background and Experience:

  1. Vacuum equipment: applications and integration

  2. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS): product development and marketing

  3. Nano-technolgy: analysis and applications

  4. Analytical instrumentation for chemical analysis; Ultra-high vacuum equipment for semiconductor processing and analysis

  1. Automotive emission control systems and exhaust catalyst formulation

  2. Knowledge and experience in Personal Computer, IC, pharmaceutical, and Petrochemical industries

Research Experience:

  1. Researched on developing an analytical SWOT model for Acer group and CPDC, and a model for assessing “Impacts of S&T policies on industrial innovation”

  1. Author and co-authors of 15 books on strategic management, innovation management, innovation policy, national innovation systems, industry analysis, S&T policy, co-opetition strategy between Taiwan strait, nano-technology, MBA case studies on development of  Taiwan’s high-tech industries, and global management of high-tech enterprises

  2. Developed six analytical frameworks for strategic analysis and planning at the levels of nation, industry, and firm

  3. Investigated “critical success factors” and “macro-economic factors affecting innovation” on Taiwan’s 14 high sectors.

Honor :

  1. IAMOT Top 50 list of researchers in the technology innovation management field, 2009 (Papers published in TIM related journal in 2004~2008)

  2. 擔任科技管理研究所所長,創立台灣第一個科技管理研究所博士班與在職專班。2004年國際科技管理學會評鑑交大科管所為全世界排名第6名,個人排名為交大第1

  3. 2007年交大科技管理學術研究之推動評鑑為全世界排名第1

  4. (Technovation.2007.07.)

  5. Journal of Technology Management in Taiwan, Vol 15. No. 4, investigation: Taiwanese scholar with the most published paper in TIM related journal from 2000-2009 (10 papers)

  6. 2010 Taiwan NSC Special Award for Outstanding Researc